Project Description
Zion-Benton Township High School District No. 126 New Natatorium

Following Camosy’s selection as the Construction Manager at Risk for the Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 new Performance Arts Center project in 2017, Camosy was then selected to be the CM for the District’s Natatorium and competition pool project. The Performing Arts Center was completed in January 2019 while concurrently working with the District in the Preconstruction Phase of the new Natatorium and Competition Pool project.
After considering options to reuse the existing natatorium envelop and construct a new pool within that existing space, the School Board decided that building a new Natatorium as an addition to the existing building would be a more practical approach. The project team then developed a plan to repurpose the old existing natatorium for other much-needed school functions.
This project created a new 27,500-square-foot natatorium with an eight-lane 25-meter competition pool with an attached two-board diving well and a separate two-lane practice and teaching pool. Support spaces include Men’s and Women’s Team Locker Rooms, an extensive Storage area, a Pool Manager’s Office, mechanical spaces, and gallery-level seating for 400 spectators
Services Provided
Camosy provided complete CM Services for this project starting with early feasibility analysis, budgeting, and constructability analysis for the initial proposed reuse of the original Natatorium space. As the project advanced and the decision to construct a new Natatorium was confirmed, Camosy provide all CM Services. Preconstruction services included: estimating, constructability reviews, value engineering, bidding, bid review and recommendation, contract assistance and assignments. During Construction Camosy provided complete Project Management and full-time, on-site, Field Supervision.

GLCA APEX Project of the Year Award Winner 2021

Camosy submitted the ZBTHS New Natatorium Project for the APEX Project of the Year Award in the Building Category. We were scored on:
- Project Information & Description
- Quality of Construction
- Design/Engineering
- Impact on the Community
- Spirit of Cooperation Among Parties
- Safety Record
“This facility is important to our community. It will assist us in providing swim lessons, water fitness, athletics, and recreation. As a Lake Michigan shore community, we need to prepare our children for the inherent dangers in natural waters. Some stark statistics tell us that drowning is the second leading cause of death in children ages 1-14. Fifty percent of drownings for age 15 and up occur in natural water. Aquatic facilities provide a safe environment to teach water safety skills. Formal swimming lessons reduce the chances of drowning by 88% for children ages 1-4. We are excited to provide the opportunity for all children to have access to swim lessons year-round in our community. We are happy to partner with District 126 on this aquatics facility where we can provide water safety skills for our youth and recreation opportunities for all ages in the community.”