Des Plaines Police Station

This $14,775,000 project provides a major addition to and renovation of the existing Des Plaines Police Station. The addition is 20,500 SF total area on 2 floors and the renovation of the existing station is 20,000 sf across all 3 floors of the existing station. The new addition grade level provides a 2-bay sallyport, evidence garage, evidence intake-processing-and storage, booking and processing with 8 detention cells, 2 temporary holding rooms, line-up and viewing area, and an interview room. The grade level floor includes the public entrance, records department, patrol area with four command offices, juvenile holding, report writing, roll call/training and various support spaces and conference areas.
The new addition second floor level provides new locker rooms, fitness area, defensive tactics, break room with a kitchenette, investigations and tactical suite with 3 private offices and computer forensics. The second floor also has the command and administrative office suite including the chief’s office, two deputy chief’s offices, an analyst’s office, conference rooms, social services, support services office, and the CAT and meeting room.